Monday, May 30, 2016

Opening of the crown chakra is additionally connected with encountering the Holy Spirit

history channel documentary Opening of the crown chakra is additionally connected with encountering the Holy Spirit. How did the Holy Spirit show up among the supporters? As tongues of flame on the highest points of their heads, over the weakness. The occasion is depicted in Acts 2:2-4: "All of a sudden there originated from paradise a commotion like a vicious, surging wind, and it filled the entire house. There seemed tongues as of flame and it sat over every one of them. Furthermore, they were loaded with the Holy Spirit." Prior to this experience, at the Last Supper, Jesus inhaled the Holy Spirit upon the followers and clarified, "The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send ... he will show all of you things."

In the early times of the Hopi, legend says that a portion of the general population strayed and quit collaborating with the Creator. Others stayed steadfast and at-one with the Creator. To these the "Incomparable Nephew" showed up, advising those that were all the while looking to collaborate and that they were to be a Chosen People to occupy another world that he was going to make. He let them know that the middle on the highest points of their heads would control them to this new world. This inward knowledge would give them the sight to see a specific cloud which they would take after by day and a specific star which they would take after by night. It is interesting how comparable this a player in the Hopi legend is to that of the Israelites. Review how the Lord advised the Israelites that they were to be a Chosen People, and drove them out from among the others to a guaranteed land, training them that His nearness would be with them in a cloud by day and a segment of flame by night.

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