Monday, May 30, 2016

Now that is an entirely summed up harsh proclamation is it not?

history channel documentary Now that is an entirely summed up harsh proclamation is it not? Goodness yes, and I can nearly hear alleged spiritualists, and those of the 'cognizance development', yelling in dismay at my announcement and well they may, yet that doesn't adjust the way that what I am stating is The Truth. In what capacity would I be able to be so certain? Simple, all that is included is only single word that gives all of them away; "look for" or one who "looks for" direct fellowship with a divine being. This is run of the mill esoterical, awareness based, New Age gibberish and/or in its Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religious structure - devotion or ascetic Catholic/Orthodox semi Christian gobbledegook. This is them putting their foot in it without acknowledging what they are stating and doing. It's simply one more case of the 'tail wagging the canine' situation in their self started or self affected profound association with a divine being that they believe is God. Sanctification (full inundation) into Yashua Anointed's (The Lord Jesus Christ's) name alone and the endowment of The Holy Spirit doesn't come into it.

Here is an inquiry: If, when we are conceived of God (Born Again) and The Holy Spirit makes a lasting home with us, why do we then need to go "looking for" God so as to be in fellowship or correspondence with Him. Why do we need to sit in examination (whatever that implies) for a considerable length of time keeping in mind the end goal to speak with God. Here is the thing that Yashua Anointed (The Lord Jesus Christ) said on this matter:John 14:18 I won't abandon you forlorn: I will come to you. 19 Yet a short time, and the world seeth me no all the more; yet ye see me: since I live, ye should live moreover. 20 At that day ye should realize that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

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