Monday, May 30, 2016

Here we can see the Power of God in real life

history channel documentary Here we can see the Power of God in real life and the worthlessness of the activities of these alchemists with their enchanted traps and it is otherworldly traps that are their distinguishing signs. My name for them is "swindlers" and we can see the cheats in real life again in the Holy Scriptures just this time in King Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon:

Daniel 2:2 Then the ruler directed to call the entertainers, and the soothsayers, and the magicians, and the Chaldeans (scholars), for to shew the lord his fantasies. So they came and remained before the lord.

Here in Daniel we have the account of King Nebuchadnezzar's fantasy for which he approaches all his mysterious men to decipher. The issue is, without the King giving them some thought of what the fantasy is about, they are at a misfortune and can't translate it. God's Power, through Daniel and his disclosure of the fantasy, once more, shows up the magicians for what they are - frauds, imposters and cheats. If you don't mind read whatever is left of this educational captivating story in Daniel 2.

So here we can obviously see these spiritualists were extremely dynamic in old times as despite everything they are right up 'til the present time. All the rapscallion countries with their purposeless agnostic puzzle religions of this world (age or framework) have spiritualists, shamans, alchemists, conjurers, magicians, seers, celestial prophets, witch-specialists, snake charmers, trance inducers, psychics (false prophets) Tarot card perusers, palmists, professionals of levitation, experts of voodoo, specialists of divination (water seers), mediums, sorcerers or mystics. We could even incorporate entertainers of the Indian rope trap and now we have ended up at ground zero and came back to the mysterious word: 'traps'.

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