Monday, May 30, 2016

If the world abhors you, recall that it has detested me first

history channel documentary John 15:18-20, "If the world abhors you, recall that it has detested me first. In the event that you had a place with the world, then the world would love you as its own. In any case, I picked you from this world, and you don't have a place with it; that is the reason the world despises you. Keep in mind what I let you know: 'No slave is more prominent than this expert.' If they abused me, they will aggrieve you as well; on the off chance that they complied with my instructing, they will comply with yours too."Entering into the congregation I saw individuals brimming with affection. Yes, they were rejected by their families. Yes, they were oppressed by society and men for being gay person. Yet, to the extent God was concerned they had thrones anticipating them in Heaven.All the individuals who are poor, oppressed, and abused will sit on thrones and the individuals who hurt them amid their lifetime will come and fall on their knees broadcasting that God adored them. This is their prize alongside an unfathomable length of time of useful for breezing through the test in the University of the World.

Axioms 15:11 Hell and demolition are before the LORD: the amount all the more then the hearts of the offspring of men?Luke 12:5 But I will caution you whom ye should fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath energy to cast into hellfire; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.I will set two streets before you today and you will choose which one you're going to take.I fell away. I began playing hooky, utilizing drugs, listening to common music, observing common motion pictures engaging in sexual relations at an early age.

My association with the Lord was nothing. I would implore here and there and recognize that He was Lord however I positively was carrying on with a way of life that was not worthy in His eyes.

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