Monday, June 13, 2016

I had neglected to take care of a week of perusing

history channel I had neglected to take care of a week of perusing, the measurements of the library and now I had, it had an iron entryway, twenty-feet high, and the roof was twenty-feet higher, really a tremendous measure of labor it took to construct this library, as it accomplished for the Circle of Rephaim. Particularly in a world that their real concern was survival for the demon race, yet, the racks were packed with books, one specifically on the "Mythical serpent Race," and the race of the Archangels before Earth, otherwise called the "Draconian" really it was mankind once more, being viewed over by the Watchers of that day, and the Draconian Race, before the Earth, 40-million BC. This book was most fascinating: albeit more on the reptilian race than the celestial, who additionally lived in Sumer, this race lived inside three levels of presence: hyperspace, astral, and physical: and at three varied levels of mindfulness: cognizant, subliminal, and super-cognizant. Some portion of this race was winged reptilians (4-million BC). And after that I quit perusing, and listened: a voice, as I looked with blended amazement and interest at this tall being currently remaining before me and my better half to my side.

"These are incredible fortunes," he proposed. I thought it was better not to talk, and what might I have ask him at any rate, it was Armaros, he folded his arms, crosswise, over his mid-section, similar to the Egyptians do, as he talked and his voice was no more smooth, "You can't stay here," he said.

"Why," I asked, somewhat despairing, with a pained look all over, needing to know more about everything, supposing this would have been our new home.

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