Monday, June 13, 2016

Clearly it didn't work the way the Soviets thought it would

history channel To aggregate everything up, obviously what we have now is two Nazi siblings, the Hortens, who knew how to manufacture a saucer-molded specialty, who walked around to Soviet Russia, while Josef Mengele likewise appeared on Stalin's doorstep with his deceptive human experimentation monstrosity show distraction. So these inauspicious people met in Soviet Russia to work under Stalin to create this elaborate evil arrangement to hornswoggle clueless Americans, to crash an imposter outsider flying saucer on US soil lodging fraud outsiders. Toss in with the general mish-mash the simple Americans' proclivity for going ballistic over a Martian intrusion radio appear and you get an obnoxious formula for debacle. In principle.

Clearly it didn't work the way the Soviets thought it would. They didn't quickly assault nor attack us, so nothing plain happened. So on the off chance that this Soviet/Nazi plot was honest to goodness, did they come up short? Did they have something else as a main priority? Maybe just to just confound us or even divert us with a progressing invasion of UFO paranoid ideas and government smoke screens that are as yet attacking us right up 'til the present time?

It is possible that this malicious plot didn't satisfy the Soviets' exclusive requirements, since it appeared to absolutely tumble, or I'm seeing a major gap in this cockamamie new fear inspired notion. In all probability this entire insane composed story is only a cluster of bodacious bunk. That is my thought on it, at any rate. I would say what Occam's razor recommends: keep it basic, imbecilic. Which implies, similar to a great many individuals trust, a real outsider shuttle slammed in Roswell, complete with genuine outsiders installed.

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